ROTTEN STITCHES "Above The Ashes" (Punk puke splatter LP)


Some Atlanta street punk with ROTTEN STITCHES listen to their album Above The Ashes !

12 tracks on Punk Puke Splatter Vinyl.


 Tracklist :

A1. Face Your Fear

A2. In Death's Eyes

A3. Life Is War

A4. Murder Of Crows

A5. Numbskull

A6. Oblivion

B1. Reality Sets In

B2. Scars

B3. Stuck On Blast

B4. The Rot

B5. Warpath

B6. Warriors

LP ROTTEN STITCHES Above The Ashes (punk puke splatter)

Specific References

ROTTEN STITCHES "Above The Ashes" (Punk puke splatter LP)

ROTTEN STITCHES "Above The Ashes" (Punk puke splatter LP)
